Dual-Direction Market Trading methodology

The TurnerCapital Strategy is unmatched

We developed the TMI Dual-Direction Market Trading methodology over the course of two decades of technical R&D. Our TMI Methodology is based on the following constructs:

There are only 3 mathematical constructs for the overall methodology:

(A) Knowing where the market is
(B) Knowing how the market got to where it is (the current trend)
(C) The fact that the current trend will last exactly until it doesn't.

"The Market" is defined as a proprietary index

We call this the Turner Capital's Index, and it is comprised on an unequally weighted combination of the S&P 500, the Nasdaq 100, the DJIA and the Russell 2000. The name of this index is the "Turner Total Market Index (TMI)"

100% of all trades are triggered from the result of a set of proprietary rules

These rules analyze where The Market is and how it got there and whether or not the most recent trend of the market is still in play.

The key to our trading success is knowing where the market is, how it got there and when profitable trends  (bull or bear) likely begin and when they end.

Our clients get the advantage of being in the market when risk is lower and out of market when risk is higher.

All three of the Strategies are traded on the same exact date and at the same time for all accounts. Trading decisions are triggered by the application of the Rules and the TMI. No trading decisions are made based on the indexes that are traded (See indexes used below). 100% of the analysis of The Market and the buy/sell decisions come from the application of the Rules and the TMI data.

TMI Strategy Options

The TurnerCapital Strategy options

Option 1



The Objective: To grow capital via the technical trading of a 50/50 mix of the 1x (non-leveraged) indexes of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq using the SPY ETF and the QQQ ETF in bullish trends and the 1x (non-leveraged) index ETFs SH and PSQ in bearish trends

Ignoring the Noise

Ignoring the Noise is critical to making investment decisions. Everyone, to a certain extent, has emotional triggers. The three primary emotions that affect investors are fear, greed and hope — all three can lead to poor decisions. Emotional reactions to the news of the day can cloud judgement, lead to impulsive actions, or distort perceptions of risk and reward.

Sign Up for Turner Capital TMI-1x
We Measure Where the Market is...

We are measuring, 24/7, where the market is.

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OPtion 2



The Objective: To grow capital via the technical trading of a 50/50 mix of the 2x (ultra-leveraged) indexes of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq using the SSO ETF and the QLD ETF in bullish trends and the 2x (ultra-leveraged) inverse SDS ETF and inverse QID ETF in bearish trends.

Option 3



The Objective: To grow capital grow capital via the technical trading of a 50/50 mix of the 3x (ultra-leveraged) indexes of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq using the UPRO ETF and the TQQQ ETF in bullish trends and the 2x (ultra-leveraged) inverse SPXU ETF and inverse SQQQ ETF in bearish trends.

We measure how the Market got there...

We are NOT forecasting where the market will go, this allows our rules to make trading decisions for us.

Sign Up for Turner Capital TMI-3x
Generate in Bull & Bear Markets

An Independent Proprietary Portfolio Manager for all Markets

Our approach

Turner Capital believes the best way to grow and protect Client Wealth is to generate Client Account profits in both bull and bear markets coupled with strong downside risk mitigation.

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strong downside risk mitigation

Investment Acumen

Our approach is to monitor the collective ‘wisdom’ of all stock market investors by tracking historical trends. Our partners present a guided tool-kit, highlighting proven metrics on index’s gains and loss. It is as simple as, the more capital taken out of the market, the more the indexes move lower. From this analysis, we measure whether the market is in a bullish trend or a bearish trend or neither.

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